Begin your security journey with

WhyXpose Vulnerability Scanner

Your first step to safeguarding your digital assets.

100+ Vulnerabilities Identified and Resolved.

With just the domains, whyXpose reveals all the hidden details you never knew existed.

Fix every security loophole with our hacker-style pentest.

WhyXpose Scanner

Our scanner is designed to gather all the information about your domain and provide you with a comprehensive report on all the vulnerabilities that exist within your system.

Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing (VAPT)

We conduct VAPT on your cloud infrastructure to identify and rectify any misconfigurations that might compromise your system security, potentially harming your reputation and eroding customer trust.

Public Disclosure Protection

We conduct comprehensive lookups to gather all publicly disclosed information about your company. Our goal is to safeguard sensitive data and ensure that no confidential information is inadvertently exposed.

Stay informed with the whyXpose dashboard.

Our dashboard provides you with real-time updates on the status of vulnerabilities in your system, ensuring that you are always aware of potential threats and can take action to mitigate them.

0-day vulnerability Identification

We identify and report 0-day vulnerabilities in your system, ensuring that you are always one step ahead of potential threats.

Work with Our Security Experts

Our team of security experts is always on hand to provide you with the support and guidance you need to keep your systems secure.

Need help with your security?

Connect with us either by sending us a message or submitting a ticket.